Join us online every Thursday for #GOPCThreads, showcasing the research and expertise of Greater Ohio Policy Center.
Five Years on: Reviewing the progress of the "Smart City Challenge"
Five years ago, Columbus was awarded a $50 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation in the “Smart City Challenge”; an initiative that was conceived as an opportunity to jump-smart the transition to a more technologically-advanced transportation network within a midsize U.S. city.
#GOPCThread: Webinar focuses on recent GOPC/Lincoln Institute Equitable Development Report
Study Considers Whether New Transit Gentrifies Low-Income Communities, Finds No Significant Impacts.
Transit is an invaluable resource in low- and moderate-income communities, connecting residents to job centers and services that may otherwise be inaccessible without a car. However, there are concerns that significant investments in transit, particularly rail transit, may increase property values and displacement pressures on area residents.
#GOPCThread: Akron Selected as 2021 Global Mayors Challenge Champion City
First Allocations of State ARPA Funds
#GOPCThread: Taking a Closer Look at Legacy Cities Abroad
Budget Wrap-Up: A Review of Important Policies in Ohio's Biennial Budget
July 1 marks the beginning of the State of Ohio's new fiscal year, with the enactment of the new biennial budget. A state budget always reflects what the priorities of the state are, and the most recent budget includes a number of issues Greater Ohio had been tracking throughout the legislative process.
#GOPCThread: What We Watched & Learned During the #2021PolicySummit Hosted by the Cleveland Federal Reserve
Budget Provides Historic Investment in Brownfield Revitalization, Commercial & Industrial Demolition
The budget agreement, which includes an investment of $500 million dollars in brownfield revitalization, along with commercial and industrial building demolition, represents game-changing investment for all of Ohio's 88 counties and represents a major commitment on the part of the State of Ohio to remediate this scourges of economic progress.