What We Do

Greater Ohio Policy Center (GOPC) endeavors to unlock the potential of Ohio’s 9,000+ former industrial and commercial sites that are unusable in their current condition. GOPC has documented the positive economic impact that brownfield cleanups can have on Ohio’s cities and town. Additionally, GOPC is a leading voice on policy changes that allow former industrial sites to be put back into productive use - which include both regulatory reform and the identification of a sustainable funding source for a brownfield clean-up and redevelopment program.

Our 2025-26 Public Policy Agenda

Responsible Growth, Sustained Prosperity

Greater Ohio Policy Center’s 2025-2026 Public Policy Agenda

Unlocking Acres of Prime Land

Ohio has hundreds of sites with utility infrastructure, transportation access, and nearby workers, which are currently unusable.  Environmental contaminants from previous uses are the only barrier to their future use. In the last four years, Ohio has invested $700 million to assess and clean-up a portion of these brownfields sites. These funds have leveraged millions of additional private and public dollars.

GOPC is proud to have championed this investment, working with policymakers to reactivate land that will house new businesses, homes, and recreation spaces. However, thousands of brownfields still exist across Ohio.

Establish a permanent funding source for brownfield remediation.

Ohio needs a permanent brownfields grant program that has its own source of dedicated and predictable funding.  This program should complement existing programs at the U.S. and OhioEPA, JobsOhio, and other agencies. Such a program will help Ohio’s legacy communities and the state’s growing metro regions access developed or developable land, and, in turn preserve agricultural land and green space from unnecessary conversion.

What We Have Accomplished

Over the past five years, GOPC has successfully advocated for the investment of $700M in funding by the State of Ohio to identify and clean-up hundreds of brownfield sites across Ohio. We have also worked with Ohio lawmakers to provide more gateways to redevelopment of brownfield sites and continually track the progress and successes of Ohio’s current brownfield program (the Brownfield Remediation Program) and former program (the Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund), all in an effort to sustain strong support for brownfield remediation in Ohio.

GOPC Join’s NBC 4 Daytime Columbus to Discuss Brownfields

Greater Ohio Policy Center's Aaron Clapper and Jason Warner join the NBC 4 program Daytime Columbus to discuss our work advocating for brownfield remediation efforts and the impact this has had cleaning-up former industrial sites around the greater Columbus region.

This segment originally aired on Monday, April 15, 2024.

Ohio’s Brownfield Remediation Program

In 2021, Ohio’s legislature created the Brownfield Remediation Program, dedicated $350 million in one-time funds to help identify and clean-up environmentally contaminated brownfield sites across the state of Ohio. Lawmakers earmarked a further $350 million to the program in 2023. All together, the Brownfield Remediation Program has directed a minimum of $2 million to each of Ohio’s 88 counties while providing $524 statewide through first-come, first-serve grants.

GOPC has been proud to serve as the leading nonprofit advocate for the creation and maintenance of the Brownfield Remediation Program (BRP).

Bona Fide Prospective Purchase Defense

In 2020, Ohio’s legislature enacted the Bona Fide Purchase Defense (BFPD) into state law. Establishing the BFPD in Ohio law will encourage the redevelopment of lightly contaminated brownfields sites. The state’s Voluntary Action Program (VAP) remains the gold standard in the state for liability protection, and will continue to be utilized for heavily-contaminated brownfield sites. BFPD provides an alternative pathway for purchasers, allowing liability protection through an affirmative defense for purchasers who complete certain due diligence steps.

GOPC was the leading nonprofit advocate for the creation of the BFPD Law.

Documenting the Success of Brownfield Clean-ups

When funding programs for brownfield redevelopment are available, communities across the state experience economic development that can lead to increases in jobs, tax revenue, business development, and new housing. Research by GOPC, and others, shows that the high cost of brownfield remediation is more than paid back through the economic output of the clean-up itself, new construction, and ongoing tax revenues from the new businesses or homes on the remediated site.

GOPC continues to track the impact of the former Clean Ohio Revitalization Program and the new BRP.

Related Publications

The Benefits of Brownfields for Ohio's Communities

GOPC is proud to share “The Benefits of Brownfields for Ohio’s Communities: An Analysis of the Brownfield Remediation Program Over the Past Three Years”. This white paper examines the $659 million awarded between 2022 and 2024 for the Brownfield Remediation Program.

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