GOPC, in partnership with the Ohio EPA, is excited to announce the panels for the 2025 Ohio Brownfields Conference are available on the website! The full schedule, including panel times and panelists, will be announced shortly.
The 2025 Ohio Brownfields Conference will offer four panels focused on the Ohio EPA's Voluntary Action Program, which are eligible for VAP CP Credits. Eight additional panels will be offered throughout the day.
Panel topics include:
An Overview of Brownfields Funding
The Role of Brownfields Redevelopment into Housing for Ohio’s Communities
Jumpstarting Brownfield Projects: Assessment as the Critical First Step to Successful Planning
The Unique Role of Land Banks in Brownfields Redevelopment
Why Brownfields Should be Part of Your Community’s Planning
Brownfields: Where Economic Development Meets Community Development
Brightfields 101: How “Brightfields” Can Reuse Brownfields and Reenergize Your Community
Brownfields in the Eye of the Developer
VAP Panel Topics:
Impacts of Ground Water on the Vapor Intrusion Pathway
Dry Cleaners and the Voluntary Action Program
Case Study on National Acme
Activity and Use Limitations
You can read the full panel descriptions on the website.
Stay tuned for additional information about accreditation through the American Planning Association (AICP Credits) and the Ohio Supreme Court (CLE Credits).
Lunchtime Legislative Update
Policymakers are currently identifying budget priorities and setting Ohio's budget for the next two years, and the momentum is high that additional funds should be included for the Brownfield Remediation Program.
As of March 2025, GOPC and brownfields advocates have provided testimony to ensure additional brownfield grant dollars are included in the budget. The 2025 Ohio Brownfields Conference will feature a presentation from GOPC staff updating attendees on the status of the brownfields funding in the state's Main Operating Budget. GOPC will share real-time updates on the budget, and share how attendees can assist in the work of securing dollars.
Register today for the 2025 Ohio Brownfields Conference!
The 2025 Ohio Brownfields Conference registration is open, with regular registration pricing in effect until April 28th, 2025!