Dayton, Ohio has experienced unusually high crash rates and risky driving behaviors on several streets in the downtown area. In response to local government and residential concerns, the city has begun to implement a series of road diets aimed at improving transportation safety for all.
Examining the Impact of Columbus' Downtown Speed Limit Change
Winter weather provides unique opportunity to demonstrate actual roadway use
2024 Year In Review: Reflecting on a Year of Accomplishment
Lawmakers Working to Place Infrastructure Bond Package Before Ohio Voters in 2025
Spooky Streets 2024: ODOT Report Shows Dangers Vulnerable Road Users Face
GOPC Publishes Guide for Building Safer, More Vibrant Streets in Ohio
Mansfield Invests In Main Street Corridor To Revitalize Community
You can learn more about this effort over on our Good Ideas! page as part of our continued series highlighting ongoing investments in placemaking and active transportation.
Good Ideas: Youngstown’s SMART2 Network Improves Downtown Infrastructure for Today’s People and Places
State to Invest nearly $41M in Bike/Ped Safety Projects Through FY2030
The HSIP program is available to communities throughout Ohio. Project sponsors can request up-to $2 million for a pedestrian project, and $5 million for roadway departure safety improvements for all project phases. A 10% local match is required, but may be reduced/removed if the project sponsor meets certain distressed criteria.