One proven strategy for stabilizing and revitalizing neighborhoods is increasing homeownership rates. Employers who want a stable workforce sometimes consider implementing Employer Down Payment Assistance programs.
11 Principles for Maximizing Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act Funding Opportunities
As newly appropriated funds start flowing, GOPC has once again prepared principles to help ODOT, MPOs and Ohio’s legacy cities and communities fully utilize from these dollars.
Treasury Publishes Final Rules on ARPA State & Local Recovery Funds
#GOPCThread: Opportunity CLE Year One Impact Report Released
11 Principles for Maximizing American Rescue Plan's Funding Opportunities
ICYMI: Cleveland Plain Dealer Op-Ed on Ohio State Resource Network
Last week, GOPC Executive Director Alison Goebel and former Cleveland Heights City Manager Tanisha Briley had an op-ed published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer advocating for the incoming Biden Administration to push for a new federal/local partnership program designed to assist America’s economically challenged places.