Blog — Greater Ohio Policy Center

Code Enforcement & Blight: How Cities can Intervene Now to Prevent Covid-Imposed Neighborhood Decline

Code Enforcement & Blight: How Cities can Intervene Now to Prevent Covid-Imposed Neighborhood Decline

Following the Great Recession in 2008-2009, one of the major crises communities across Ohio experiences was the challenge of addressing neighborhood blight which resulted from the large number of foreclosures which took place.

How Massachusetts Supports Projects that Advance Housing & Economic Development Goals

How Massachusetts Supports Projects that Advance Housing & Economic Development Goals

The Greater Ohio Policy Center (GOPC), in partnership with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, has been studying how states can utilize smart growth policies to better support legacy cities. GOPC identified the MassWorks Infrastructure Program as an example of how state government can fund local public projects to address infrastructure needs, while also spurring economic activity and the production of critical housing options—all of which contribute to legacy city revitalization.

Local Communities Act to Stem the Tide of Evictions; More will be needed Statwide

Local Communities Act to Stem the Tide of Evictions; More will be needed Statwide

Municipal courts have continued to open back up to hear civil cases while the federal and state government of Ohio have yet to establish a rental assistance program to ensure Ohioans not lose their homes during the pandemic.