Greater Ohio Policy Center (GOPC), the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC), and Heritage Ohio will host a webinar, “Preparing a Successful Bid for State Capital Budget Dollars” to assist local changemakers in understanding the capital budget process.
Senate Advances Main Operating Budget - Issues With Brownfield Program Remain
As we did last week, GOPC is strongly urging supporters to contact members of the House of Representatives and urge them to reject the changes made to HB33 related to the Brownfield and Demolition programs.
🚨GOPC ACTION ALERT🚨 Proposed Changes Could Adversely Impact Brownfield, Residential Tax Abatement
Transportation Budget Heads to Conference Committee; House Finance Resumes Budget Work
Ohio House Approves Changes to Transportation Budget, Ohio Senate Begins Work
Debate Rages on Bike Lanes in Cleveland, Columbus
Main Operating Budget Proposal Submitted to the General Assembly
GOPC Releases Transportation Funding White Paper
Deadline Approaching for Communities to Present Capital Budget Funding Requests
Budget Wrap-Up: A Review of Important Policies in Ohio's Biennial Budget
July 1 marks the beginning of the State of Ohio's new fiscal year, with the enactment of the new biennial budget. A state budget always reflects what the priorities of the state are, and the most recent budget includes a number of issues Greater Ohio had been tracking throughout the legislative process.