Budget & Taxation

GOPC, OFCC, Heritage Ohio to Host Webinar on Securing Capital Budget Dollars

GOPC, OFCC, Heritage Ohio to Host Webinar on Securing Capital Budget Dollars

Greater Ohio Policy Center (GOPC), the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC), and Heritage Ohio will host a webinar, “Preparing a Successful Bid for State Capital Budget Dollars” to assist local changemakers in understanding the capital budget process.

Senate Advances Main Operating Budget - Issues With Brownfield Program Remain

Senate Advances Main Operating Budget - Issues With Brownfield Program Remain

As we did last week, GOPC is strongly urging supporters to contact members of the House of Representatives and urge them to reject the changes made to HB33 related to the Brownfield and Demolition programs.

🚨GOPC ACTION ALERT🚨 Proposed Changes Could Adversely Impact Brownfield, Residential Tax Abatement

🚨GOPC ACTION ALERT🚨 Proposed Changes Could Adversely Impact Brownfield, Residential Tax Abatement

Earlier this week, the Ohio Senate introduced its substitute budget bill. It makes changes to the Ohio Brownfield Remediation and Building Demolition & Site Revitalization Programs, and how communities may use residential tax abatement in the future. 

Transportation Budget Heads to Conference Committee; House Finance Resumes Budget Work

Transportation Budget Heads to Conference Committee; House Finance Resumes Budget Work

Work on the transportation budget should wrap-up by the end of this week, with main operating budget work continuing through June.

Ohio House Approves Changes to Transportation Budget, Ohio Senate Begins Work

Ohio House Approves Changes to Transportation Budget, Ohio Senate Begins Work

Over the past two weeks, the House made a number of substantial changes to the budget, which allocates funding to the Ohio Department of Transportation and other transportation-related entities.

Main Operating Budget Proposal Submitted to the General Assembly

Main Operating Budget Proposal Submitted to the General Assembly

With the introduction of the budget blue book, the work of passing the two year state budget now shifts to the Ohio General Assembly. Hearings should begin soon in the Ohio House of Representatives, with the Ohio Senate likely to begin work in April or May.

GOPC Releases Transportation Funding White Paper

GOPC Releases Transportation Funding White Paper

Since FY2020, the Ohio General Assembly has invested a record $141.5 million in Ohio’s public transportation agencies. This has been an important down payment for Ohio’s future, but now is not the time to pull back support for public transportation.

Deadline Approaching for Communities to Present Capital Budget Funding Requests

Deadline Approaching for Communities to Present Capital Budget Funding Requests

The capital budget provides communities with the opportunity to seek state funding assistance for projects that involve the acquisition, construction, equipment, or renovation of buildings and other facilities that meet a defined “public purpose.”

Budget Wrap-Up: A Review of Important Policies in Ohio's Biennial Budget

Budget Wrap-Up: A Review of Important Policies in Ohio's Biennial Budget

July 1 marks the beginning of the State of Ohio's new fiscal year, with the enactment of the new biennial budget. A state budget always reflects what the priorities of the state are, and the most recent budget includes a number of issues Greater Ohio had been tracking throughout the legislative process.