IV. Infrastructure

Infrastructure: Invest to Strengthen Economic Development Efforts

This is the fourth section of the Cleveland Policy Platform

  • Create regional Transportation Innovation Authorities (TIAs) to encourage the investment of public and private resources in the planning and implementation of innovative transportation projects that would enhance the efficiency of Ohio’s transportation system.
  • Direct development of a “Complete Streets” pilot program where roadways are designed to enable safe, attractive, and comfortable access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and public transit users.
    • The West Shoreway Plan is designed to reconnect Cleveland to its waterfront. It calls for traffic calming measures and better incorporation of multi-modal transportation access to Cleveland’s waterfront. This will increase Cleveland’s competitiveness and quality of place by reconnecting the city to one of its greatest and most underutilized assets.
  • Require cost/benefit analysis for all transportation projects
  • Provide state grants to integrate multi-modal transportation and land-use plans.
  • Promote holistic transportation projects that are designed around transit, mixed use neighborhoods and economic development.
    • The Opportunity Corridor project aims to improve transportation access to University Circle and to also act as a catalyst to economic and community development in Cleveland’s “Forgotten Triangle.” Improving access to an area that contains a high number of anchor institutions (University Hospital, the Cleveland Clinic, and Case Western Reserve University) opens the area up for further investments and development projects.
  • Link the Strickland Administration’s energy targets to transportation infrastructure by incentivizing the manufacturing of mass transit vehicles that leverage clean energy options, creating green jobs and reducing greenhouse gases.

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