V. Governance Reform

Governance Reform:  Streamline and reduce costs so core communities marshal their resources to compete on a national and global scale. This is the fifth section of the Cleveland Policy Platform

Administrative Reforms

  • Align administrative districts, as among ODOT, ODOD, OBOR, and ODJFS, and ensure inter-departmental coordination for overlapping areas

Regional Collaboration and Governance Reform

  • Encourage permissive regional governance or collaborative structures and revenue-sharing models

  • Provide seed dollars to catalyze the creation of new regional organizations with diverse public and private representation
    • Northeast Ohio’s Fund for Our Economic Future, a regional collaboration of individuals and philanthropic organizations that have united to strengthen the area’s competitiveness, focuses on: economic growth and attraction; workforce development; inclusionary growth structures; and government collaboration and efficiency.
  • Reward counties and regions that adopt innovative reforms, such as multi-jurisdictional planning, or undertake strategies aimed at improving government efficiency and regional competitiveness, such as regional municipal revenue sharing or marketing strategy.
    • Northeast Mayors and City Managers Association’s Regional Prosperity Initiative is examining various approaches to regional collaboration, planning and governance that would result in cost savings and efficiencies.

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