There are many factors that make development in legacy cities more risky than in newer suburbs, many of which are outside a city’s control.
Visiting the Heart of the Hocking Hills in Logan, next in our Ohio Community Spotlight
Heirs’ Properties in Ohio
Heirs' property refers to property that has passed to family members by inheritance but has not gone through probate court to determine who legally owns the property... leading to properties falling into disrepair and complicated title issues to untangle if one of the owners wishes to renovate the property.
From the Archives: Creating the Year-Round City
State Announces More than $100M in Grants to Clean-Up 61 Brownfield Sites
Cleveland Heights Takes New Approach to Mall Site
GOPC Publishes Guide for Building Safer, More Vibrant Streets in Ohio
Bowling Green is the latest city to be featured in the Ohio Community Spotlight Series
State Appalachian Community Grants Spur Downtown Placemaking Projects
The Appalachian Grant Program is a $500 million program providing planning and development grants for communities located in Ohio’s 32-county Appalachian region, utilizing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The Wonderful Waterfronts Initiative allocated $152 million in 12 counties in the region aimed at expanding access to local waterways, revitalizing historic riverfront downtowns, and creating new tourism and recreational opportunities.