Cleveland Heights Takes New Approach to Mall Site

“Dead malls” are a feature of many cities in Ohio and beyond.  As we’ve periodically blogged and tweeted in the past, planners are looking for—and finding!—new uses that will re-activate these sites and put the land into its highest and best use.

Cleveland Heights is one of many places around the state with an underutilized mall: Severance Town Center.  (Aside: Severance Town is also the oldest indoor mall in Ohio!)

But Cleveland Heights recently announced it has secured a master developer for Severance Town Center, a 40-acre site in the middle of the densely populated inner ring suburb.  The master developer will work with the property owner and the city to reposition the site into a new neighborhood that will likely include housing, retail, services, and other amenities. 

The master developer will coordinate the development teams responsible for different types of buildings (restaurants vs. townhouses vs. medical offices, for example). The master developer will also work closely with the city to ensure municipal regulations, such as zoning, do not stand in the way of development.

While the project will take a while to come to fruition, the enthusiasm and backing by the mayor and other municipal leaders should help keep the project on track and focused on creating developments desired by residents.

We are excited to track the progress of the Severance Town Center project!