Housing is a Hot Topic in Ohio – Watch our Webinar to Hear Directly from Developers about Getting Projects Done

Housing is a Hot Topic in Ohio – Watch our Webinar to Hear Directly from Developers about Getting Projects Done

The webinar, hosted by GOPC and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, is entitled Private Development Programs for Weak Markets and focused on the experience of for-profit developers working in weak markets to build market strength and simultaneously address racial- and income-disparities.   

Federal Grants Available to Support Transportation Project Development

Federal Grants Available to Support Transportation Project Development

A number of federal transportation programs are currently or will soon be accepting applications for competitive grant funding for local governments and organizations, including public transit agencies. Below is a summary of those programs, with links for more information and deadlines for when applications are due.

Good Ideas: I.D.E.A. Troy promote Inclusion, Diversity and Equity within the city of Troy

Good Ideas: I.D.E.A. Troy promote Inclusion, Diversity and Equity within the city of Troy

I.D.E.A. Troy is a donor-advised fund organized by the Troy Foundation to, a predominantly white community 19 miles north of Dayton.  The goal of I.D.E.A. Troy is to work towards racial equity by sponsoring engaging community events that provide opportunities to learn about non-white American history.