The market opened in May 2021 with over 3,200 member-owners, showcasing a strong investment from the community as well as a slow yet steady gain of momentum for the project. Gem City Market was recognized for its service to the community and presented the 2022 Irv Bieser Peace Award by the Dayton Rotary in September, and in November, the founders of the Gem City Market also won the NAACP’s President’s Award.
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Registration Now Open for the 2023 Ohio Brownfields Conference
The Greater Ohio Policy Center is excited to announce that registration for the 2023 Ohio Brownfields Conference is open!
Conference Details
Tuesday, May 9th, 2023
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
The Westin - Great Southern (Columbus, Ohio)
Please note: a room block has not been reserved
The full conference schedule, including panels and training opportunities, will be announced shortly.
The conference will include an exhibitor hall for participants to connect and network with remediation and redevelopment professionals.
Participants will have learning opportunities through panels and trainings, with topics, such as:
Brownfields Funding Opportunities
Remediation and the Voluntary Action Program (VAP) Process
Remediation and Redevelopment Case Studies
Public-Private Partnerships in Brownfields Remediation
The Future of Brownfields Remediation
Future Trends in Commercial and Industrial Redevelopment
Please note, these topics are preliminary and subject to change.
Registration Prices
Early Bird: $130
General Registration: $155
Early Bird registration is open now through the end of February, so register today to lock in the discounted rate!
To learn more about the Conference and to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please visit the Ohio Brownfields Website:
The website will be updated as additional conference information becomes available.