The community open house invited current and former residents, business owners, and other stakeholders to engage in visioning activities and respond to surveys in order to learn more about the city’s past, present, and desired future.
#GOPCThread: Ohio Community Spotlight Visits "The Bean" - Lima, Ohio
Career Opportunities with GOPC Partner Organizations
Highlights from the 2022 “State of the State” Address
#GOPCThread: TMUD Credits Announced By State; Looking At The Major City Projects
Happy ARPA-virsary! Marking One Year Since the Enactment of the American Rescue Plan Act
#GOPCThread: Honoring Immigrants Past & Present who have Made Ohio Home
"Dream ▪ Play ▪ Build: Hands-On Community Engagement" & Impact on Placemaking
On Friday, February 25, GOPC staff members attended “Dream ▪ Play ▪ Build: Hands-On Community Engagement for Enduring Spaces and Places,” a webinar presented by James Rojas of Place It! and John Kamp of Prairieform and hosted by the Maryland Department of Planning and the Smart Growth Network.
#GOPCThread:TMUD Credits Announced by State; Looking at the Legacy City Projects
Planning for Multi-Jurisdictional Growth
As Columbus and New Albany have continued to grow over time, this has put increased development pressure on more rural and small-town areas like Jersey Township and Johnstown, a particularly pressing issue for Central Ohio areas lacking existing plans or the capacity to facilitate robust planning processes.