Ohio’s municipalities primarily rely on income tax to fund their operations and services. The tax is collected by the jurisdiction in which the worker works, not where they reside. In the work-from-home (WFH) environment, the questions have become, “where do these workers work?” and “which jurisdiction gets their income tax?”
GOPC to host "An Overview of HB168 & BFPD" Informational Webinar
#GOPCThread: Adapting to COVID-19 and Promoting Social Distancing
Previewing the Second Half of 2020 at the Ohio Statehouse
Code Enforcement & Blight: How Cities can Intervene Now to Prevent Covid-Imposed Neighborhood Decline
#GOPCThread: Sustaining Community in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic
How Massachusetts Supports Projects that Advance Housing & Economic Development Goals
The Greater Ohio Policy Center (GOPC), in partnership with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, has been studying how states can utilize smart growth policies to better support legacy cities. GOPC identified the MassWorks Infrastructure Program as an example of how state government can fund local public projects to address infrastructure needs, while also spurring economic activity and the production of critical housing options—all of which contribute to legacy city revitalization.