
Housing is a Hot Topic in Ohio – Watch our Webinar to Hear Directly from Developers about Getting Projects Done

Housing is a Hot Topic in Ohio – Watch our Webinar to Hear Directly from Developers about Getting Projects Done

The webinar, hosted by GOPC and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, is entitled Private Development Programs for Weak Markets and focused on the experience of for-profit developers working in weak markets to build market strength and simultaneously address racial- and income-disparities.   

Concern Over Institutional Real Estate Investment Spurs Legislation at Statehouse

Concern Over Institutional Real Estate Investment Spurs Legislation at Statehouse

Investment in single-family homes by bulk real estate investors has been on the rise nationally and across Ohio for more than two decades. Now, the recently accelerated pace of acquisition has inspired the Ohio Statehouse to attempt to rein-in the practice.

Main Operating Budget Proposal Submitted to the General Assembly

Main Operating Budget Proposal Submitted to the General Assembly

With the introduction of the budget blue book, the work of passing the two year state budget now shifts to the Ohio General Assembly. Hearings should begin soon in the Ohio House of Representatives, with the Ohio Senate likely to begin work in April or May.

GOPC Releases Budget Recommendations for FYs 2024-25

GOPC Releases Budget Recommendations for FYs 2024-25

These goals are reflected in our recommendations for the biennial budget for fiscal years 2024 and 2025. Investing in programs that will help our cities, villages and townships redevelop and modernize are key to furthering resilient communities throughout Ohio.

Equitable Development: Preserving NOAH in Target Neighborhoods

Equitable Development: Preserving NOAH in Target Neighborhoods

Recently, GOPC partnered with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy to report on equitable development interventions that can be used to improve equity outcomes within the context of weak real estate markets found in legacy cities within the United States. The equitable development strategies we profiled attempt to make safe, secure, and affordable housing attainable for residents of color and low-income residents through increased production, maximizing benefits associated with affordable housing, or capitalizing on market opportunities.