Good Ideas!

Good Idea for Affordable Housing & Transportation: Detroit Shoreway CDO & Greater Cleveland RTA’s Aspen Place Partnership

Good Idea for Affordable Housing & Transportation: Detroit Shoreway CDO & Greater Cleveland RTA’s Aspen Place Partnership

Launching a trailblazing collaboration, the Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization (DSCDO) and Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) joined forces to provide transportation options to the transit-oriented development (TOD) project, Aspen Place.

The Downtown CPass: COTA’s Good Idea

The Downtown CPass: COTA’s Good Idea

Good Ideas is a repository of exemplary initiatives and programs happening in Ohio. This month we have highlighted Central Ohio Transit Authority’s Downtown CPass. The CPass program has been an innovative and effective way of encouraging alternative transportation, reducing parking needs, and increasing COTA’s ridership.

The City of Newark Has Good Ideas!

The City of Newark Has Good Ideas!

Last month, we added a new page to our website that is a repository of good ideas and programs happening around Ohio. This month we have added the City of Newark’s Downtown Revitalization project to the list. This project is an excellent example of leveraging an otherwise traditional infrastructure project into a transformative placemaking opportunity and economic generator for the city by creatively designing the project to be eligible for multiple funding sources.