
GOPC Attends JobsOhio Regional Board Meeting in Lima

GOPC Attends JobsOhio Regional Board Meeting in Lima

Earlier this week, GOPC attended the JobsOhio board meeting along with 100+ other economic development professionals and interested parties.  During the open board meeting, JobsOhio CEO, J.P. Nauseef, outlined JobsOhio’s Strategy, “2.0,” which he described as an “enhancement and addition to 1.0.”

53 Days Until the 2018 General Election

53 Days Until the 2018 General Election

Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and a number of State Officer and State legislative positions are on the ballot this year. As Election Day approaches, we at GOPC have been thinking about a range of quality-of-life and redevelopment issues we think the next legislative body of the state should work to carry out.

GOPC’s suggestions for JobsOhio under the next Governor

GOPC’s suggestions for JobsOhio under the next Governor

As the candidates consider how JobsOhio might operate under their Administration, looking to the successes of other states points to the importance of investing in place to create an environment for growing, stable business and employees.

Resources for Investing in Ohio's Future

This four-page guide from the Ohio Department of Development and JobsOhio provides a description of every economic development finance tool available at the state level. These finance tools include tax credits for job creation and retention, research and development, historic preservation, and more.  There is also a loan program that aims to help small businesses grow and expand. This catalog of resources is useful for communities that have catalytic projects that may be experiencing funding gaps. An easily accessible collection of resources available from the state can help communities identify economic and community development programs that can assist in the realization of these projects.