
Manufacturing on the decline, but BioScience on the rise

Although the outlook for Ohio and the nation has looked fairly dismal recently, there is some light on the horizon. The federal stimulus package promises to offer a boost to the state's economy, creating new industry, developing new transit structures and recreating Ohio's neighborhoods. While Ohio's share of manufacturing jobs has fallen by 8 percentage points since 1990, it appears that we are boosting our national profile as a BioScience innovator. According to Mary Vanac at MedCity News, not only has a record number of biomedical companies started up or moved to the state, primarily in Northeast Ohio, it is also helping to spur revenues, jobs and growth in other industrial sectors as it outsources work to "contract research organizations like Ricerca Biosciences in Concord Township and contract manufacturing organizations like Ben Venue Laboratoriesin Bedford." Read the full article

Below shows the density of Bioscience Organizations throughout Ohio.

Ohio bioscience companies, by region courtesy of BioOhio

During these times of economic hardship, it is vital that we change the way we live, travel and do business in Ohio if we want to regain our place as one of the nation's economic powerhouses. Toward this effort, the Restoring Prosperity to Ohio initiative is keeping a watchful eye on the federal stimulus package and is making recommendations to state policies and programs that will allow Ohio's communities to revitalize and get the most bang for their buck.