How traffic jams help the environment?

A recent article from the Wall Street Journal got us talking in the office this week, and we thought we would share with you. How Traffic Jams Help the Environment talks about the upsides to traffic jams as it can turn frustrated drivers to different modes like transit, walking, biking and carpooling. Part of our agenda encourages the state to develop holistic transportation projects that are designed around transit, mixed-use neighborhoods and economic development. The General Assembly has responded and introduced bi-partisan legislation (House Bill 166 and Senate Bill 121) in both chambers that would create regional Transportation Innovation Authorities (TIAs) to encourage the investment of public and private resources in the planning and implementation of innovative transportation projects that would enhance the efficiency of Ohio’s transportation system. Unlike current funding mechanisms, TIAs would be unique in that they encourage multi-county participation. We are also encouraging the state to take these regional TIAs a step further and direct development of a “Complete Streets” pilot program where new and/or upgraded roadways would be designed to enable safe, attractive, and comfortable access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and public transit users. Complete Streets legislation is being considered at the federal level but Ohio could be at the forefront of this issue by acting first. To view the article, go to: