Land bank reform is a step closer to reality Greater Ohio Policy Center has been working with stakeholders throughout Ohio to advocate for expanding Ohio’s county land bank statute that currently only applies to Cuyahoga County. We are pleased to tell you that State Representatives Peter Ujvagi (D-Toledo) and Roland Winburn (D-Trotwood) and State Senator Mark Wagoner (R-Toledo) are preparing to jointly introduce legislation that would allow for the formation of County Land Reutilization Corporations (CLRCs) or land banks in any Ohio county with a minimum population of 100,000 residents. This change will give another 25 counties access to these important land bank tools. The proposed legislation would also amend the composition of a CLRC board of directors from five members to a maximum of nine members to allow communities’ to design a board that best meets their individual needs.
We encourage you to contact your local State Representatives and Senators this week and urge them to co-sponsor this important legislation to help our communities move forward in the wake of the foreclosure crisis.
If you have any questions please contact us at 614-258-6200.