Urban Farming Made Profitable

Urban farming and urban gardening is an idea that has been talked about it for a while.  In fact, we wrote a blog entry about it back in July.  But a new finding proves that it’s more than just a good idea.  Roxanne Christensen of Philadelphia set out to prove that urban farming could be a profitable venture.  Her goal was to take a half acre lot and make a profit of $50,000.  In her fourth year of planting 60 types of vegetables and high value crops that grow quickly, the gross sales came to $68,000.  This is very interesting news because it indicates that urban farming and urban gardening could become a practical business model.  This is especially relevant to Ohio’s shrinking cities with excessive amounts of vacant land.  Urban farming in these areas is a possibility that could be not only good for the land, but also it could create jobs and become a lucrative profession. Roxanne Christensen is also the co-founder of Small Plot Intensive Farming or SPIN-farming.  For more information about SPIN-farming, check out their website.  To read more about this story, read Governing Magazine’s article on Urban Harvest.