Urbana Public Meeting gets First Preview of Champaign County Housing Analysis

Last week, GOPC Executive Director Alison Goebel and GOPC Research Associate Maria Walliser-Wejebe presented the forthcoming study, Open for Business: Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis for Champaign County, Ohio to the public in Urbana, OH. The meeting was open to all citizens and was well attended by local business leaders, property owners, and real estate professionals.

Champaign County exists on the periphery of the Dayton, Springfield, and Columbus MSAs, making it an accessible destination from several significant population centers and employment hubs. Despite proximity to neighboring metros, the county hasn’t experienced an increase in residential development activity in recent years, especially within existing municipal boundaries. County and local leaders initiated the housing analysis with the goal to better market Champaign County and attract development activity.

The study was commissioned by the Champaign Economic Partnership (CEP) last summer to analyze local housing market conditions in Champaign County and its four largest municipalities: Urbana, Mechanicsburg, North Lewisburg, and St. Paris. At the meeting on Friday February 14, GOPC unveiled main findings and 23 recommendations to guide decision making that supports a broad range of housing options to attract and retain residents.

Some recommendations from the study include:

  • Establishing a standing, multisector group focused on housing issues throughout the county

  • Prioritize redevelopment activity in historic downtowns and main streets to make them vibrant and attractive destinations

  • Leverage economic development tools to promote housing development

  • Tap into creative financing strategies to support development

The study is set to be published by CEP following a series of public meetings and intends to serve as a resource for community leaders to enhance housing markets and operations. The next public presentation will occur in the evening on Monday, March 3 at the Champaign County offices on U.S. Highway 68.