Greater Ohio Policy Center

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EPA Releases New Toolkit for Greener Residential Demolition

EPA Region 5—serving Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin—just released a new toolkit for cities, counties and land banks undertaking large-scale residential demolitions. The report, “On the Road to Reuse: Residential Demolition Bid Specification Development Tool,” includes valuable information on:

  • Environmental issues associated with residential demolitions, from pre-planning to demolition to site rehabilitation (e.g., hazardous materials abatement, fill material selection and placement, material recycling or deconstruction).
  • Specific practices that can be incorporated into the demolition contracting process to achieve better environmental outcomes.
  • Existing regulations and best management practices concerning residential demolitions.
  • Bid specification language that instructs contractors on the technical requirements of greener demolition projects.

The purpose of this toolkit is to assist cities, counties, land banks and other entities with the inclusion of greener practices in the demolition bid specification used during the contracting process. The use of environmentally beneficial demolition will result in better site conditions and will better prepare vacant lots for future reuse.


For more details on reclaiming vacant properties, make sure to check out our upcoming conference:

"Revitalizing Ohio's Vacant Properties: Tools & Policies to Transform Communities"

October 22-23, 2013 The Westin Columbus 310 S. High Street Columbus, Ohio, 43215