Housing in the Champion City: Comprehensive Housing Analysis for Springfield, OH — Greater Ohio Policy Center

Housing in the Champion City: Comprehensive Housing Analysis for Springfield, OH


Housing in the Champion City: Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis for Springfield, Ohio presents an in-depth analysis of the market-rate and affordable housing markets in Springfield, and recommends policies and strategies that can strengthen the City’s housing market. 

To retain and attract residents and businesses, Springfield leaders have strategically made housing a top policy priority for the community – both through policy implementation and in the convening of the Springfield Housing Consortium. The Housing Consortium is a group of leaders from public, private, philanthropic, and financial institutions who are working together to address the housing needs of Springfield’s residents. This report was commissioned by the Housing Consortium and the city of Springfield, and is intended to provide community leaders with a resource to complement housing conversations and policy initiatives already underway, and serve as a touchstone to guide local policy decisions.

Springfield faces many of the challenges experienced by other legacy cities across Ohio. The city’s housing stock is aging, sales prices are modest, and new housing developments have been limited until very recently. Springfield is also experiencing a shortage of housing units affordable to low-income renters.

Housing in the Champion City provides an in-depth analysis of the market-rate and affordable housing markets in the city.  The report also makes 16 recommendations, organized in 6 focus areas, to enhance housing in Springfield.  GOPC’s recommendations support local leaders’ goals of retaining and attracting residents and businesses.  The focus areas are:

  • Play to Springfield's assets by engaging anchor institutions and capitalizing on Springfield's geographic location

  • Continue to focus on downtown revitalization to attract owners and renters

  • Support ongoing development projects to attract new residents and encourage further residential development projects

  • Continue to lower financial risk and protect investments for developers - in both new build and rehab projects

  • Encourage more rehab of existing stock

GOPC’s analysis affirms that through asset-based community development, placemaking, demonstrating the city’s commitment to be “open-for-business,” and support for rehabbers and builders, Springfield will be able to offer a competitive range of housing options.