State Appalachian Community Grants Spur Downtown Placemaking Projects

State Appalachian Community Grants Spur Downtown Placemaking Projects

The Appalachian Grant Program is a $500 million program providing planning and development grants for communities located in Ohio’s 32-county Appalachian region, utilizing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The Wonderful Waterfronts Initiative allocated $152 million in 12 counties in the region aimed at expanding access to local waterways, revitalizing historic riverfront downtowns, and creating new tourism and recreational opportunities.

Good Ideas: Youngstown’s SMART2 Network Improves Downtown Infrastructure for Today’s People and Places

Good Ideas: Youngstown’s SMART2 Network Improves Downtown Infrastructure for Today’s People and Places

The SMART2 project is stabilizing Youngstown’s core and bringing activity back to downtown. Upon completion, the city will move its attention to the corridors that stretch into Youngstown’s neighborhoods.