Many communities in Ohio operate under zoning codes that are outdated, and reforming code can help to reduce labor, paperwork, and time in building housing that addresses community needs.
Ease on Down the (National) Road to St. Clairsville
State to Invest nearly $41M in Bike/Ped Safety Projects Through FY2030
The HSIP program is available to communities throughout Ohio. Project sponsors can request up-to $2 million for a pedestrian project, and $5 million for roadway departure safety improvements for all project phases. A 10% local match is required, but may be reduced/removed if the project sponsor meets certain distressed criteria.
Cincinnati Hosts 1,400 Urbanists as part of National CNU Congress
Cincinnati Complete Streets Ordinance – One Year Later
Portsmouth Leaders Partner with GOPC to Develop Housing Action Plan
Legislation Creating Permanent Brownfield Funding Program Introduced in Ohio House of Representatives
Housing and Clean Energy Funding Coming to Ohio
GOPC Honored as 'Partner of the Year' by Ohio Land Bank Association
Together, we have partnered in advocacy and support for Ohio's Brownfield Remediation Program and the Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program, which combined have invested $1 billion in the clean-up, revitalization, and redevelopment of thousands of blighted properties throughout the state since 2021.