Greater Ohio Policy Center

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On a positive note, Ohio is experiencing Economic Development

Lately it seems that the news is filled with depressing stories of bankruptcy, foreclosures, and unemployment. However, as bleak as is looks now, there is hope. As the economist Paul Romer once said "A Crisis is a terrible things to waste" and Cincinnati appears to be taking that message to heart. Despite the increase in unemployment, the city is continues to rank highly for ecnomic development expansion projects. However, Cincinnati isn't the only one to encourage development during these hard times, Site Selection magazine's "Top Metros of 2008" also ranked Dayton, Ohio first in economic development expansion projects among cities with less than 1 million in population. Ohio's cities still have a lot to our offer businesses, residents and workers and it is important that we align state policy with cities' urban agendas in order to invest in our cities' assets to continue to fuel development.

Read more about Cincinnati and Dayton at the Business Courier "Site Selection: Ohio, Cincy good for economic development"