Greater Ohio Policy Center

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From the Archives: Creating the Year-Round City

In these hot summer days, it feels like winter will never arrive. But it will be here soon, and there’s plenty local governments, nonprofits, and small businesses can be thinking about now to make their cities vibrant places even in frigid dark days of January.

During the height of the pandemic, we ran a blog called “There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather: Winterizing Our Communities in the Face of COVID.” While we are in a very different place today than we were in November 2020, many of the resources and principles shared in the blog are still relevant.

In fact, they may be even more relevant as recent federal funds have helped communities around the state invest in recreational facilities, like the recent Wonderful Waterways grants in Appalachia; downtowns, and roadway re-designs that are making downtowns and commercial districts more walkable.

We are pulling our Winter Cities blog post from the archives now so that communities can start planning for exciting winters. Stay warm and have fun!