Greater Ohio Policy Center

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#GOPCThread: Spooky Streets and the Threat they Pose to Communities Across Ohio

Our latest #GOPCThread is available on Twitter., as we bring back a blog post from last year that focused on pedestrian safety and ways to better design Ohio’s transportation infrastructure. #SpookyStreets pose a threat to communities across Ohio, but with better design, they can safely accommodate all users.

Not on Twitter, the thread is available online , as well as below.

Greater Ohio Policy Center Read on Twitter

Today’s #GOPCThread builds on a theme we wrote about last year in the spirit of #Halloween, #SpookyStreets and the threat they pose in communities across #Ohio

Late last month, @GHSAHQ in partnership with @USDOT announced that October would be designated as the first National Pedestrian Safety Month. This comes as pedestrian deaths have been on the rise throughout the country over the past 10 years. Image credit @yfreemark #GOPCThread

This year has been particularly bad for traffic fatalities. While traffic volumes fell 16% in the first half of 2020, @NHTSA found the fatality rate to be 1.25 per 100mil VMT, up from 1.06 in the same period in 2019 #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

2019 Fatality Date Show Continued Annual Decline in Traffic Deaths NHTSA

This trend is also playing out in the state of #Ohio. Despite traffic volumes being down, traffic fatalities are up YTD. According to the @OSHP, an increase in vehicle speeding is likely the cause for the deadlier year in traffic #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

Less traffic, more fatalities: Ohio State Highway Patrol looks at new and old Labor Day problems. (courtesy of 19 News Cleveland) (click image for link).

Speed plays a critical role in the severity of crashes. While less traffic can contribute to higher speeds, we also have to take a look at the design of our roads to understand why speeding is so easy on certain stretches of roadway #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

Traffic speed results from the interaction between engineering, legal, and driver performance factors, though geometric elements of design play a role in influencing operating speeds #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

Speed Concepts: Informational Guide (courtesy of Federal Highway Administration) (click image for link).

. @USDOTFHWA defines different speed concepts based on road design and user decisions #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

Too many streets are designed to either optimize operating speed or reduce driver risk, both of which can impact pedestrian & cyclist safety on the road #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

Several design elements can be utilized to bring operating speed in line with designated design speed #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

What design interventions can improve roadway safety? Last year, we blogged about the #SpookyStreets that exist in our communities, pointing out some of the more dangerous elements. Our Senior Research Associate (who is NOT a graphic designer) prepared these images #GOPCThread

Any time a pedestrian has to cross the roadway, their risk of getting hit by a vehicle increases. Clearly marking crosswalks with paint, lights, signs, or even raising the crosswalk itself, create greater visibility for pedestrians #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

Roadways are designed to promote vehicular visibility to protect the safety of a driver. This sometimes comes at the expense of other road users. Presence of street lighting and facilities, like sidewalks, can increase pedestrian visibility to improve overall safety #GOPCThread

One-way streets were a popular intervention to improve traffic flow at peak hours into and out of downtown districts. The wide lanes and long blocks facilitate the movement of cars, but encourage speeding at off-peak hours, which endangers pedestrians and cyclists #GOPCThread

A short video by the World Resources Institute explains these and other people-centered changes that can improve road safety and reduce pedestrian-vehicle collisions #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

There is an added significance to designating October as Pedestrian Safety Awareness Month. A review of traffic fatality data shows that Halloween night is, on average, 43% more deadly for pedestrians than any other autumn night #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

The most terrifying part of Halloween is our deadly streets (courtesy of Curbed) (click image for link)

The increase in the number of people walking on Halloween shows how poorly many of the existing roadways are designed for the safety of people walking #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

Prioritizing driver safety has deadly consequences, evident in pedestrian fatality trends in the past decade #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets

Dangerous By Design 2019 | Smart Grown America (click image for link).

Speed contributes to overall roadway safety, but the rise in speeding this yr. occurs within the context of increasing fatality rates for pedestrians & cyclists. You can read about this concerning trend in a new book Right of Way by @schmangee #GOPCThread

(click image for link)

. @schmangee notes that there are a wide variety of small solutions that can address our big pedestrian safety problems, like redesigning roads to reduce vehicular lanes, lowering speed limits, & changing traffic lights to better accommodate people walking #GOPCThread

Safe roads protect all roadway users, including drivers. A uniform, statewide active transportation policy, which we hope to see sometime in the near future, will go a long way towards reducing pedestrian fatalities and injuries in the state #GOPCThread

Walk.Bike.Ohio Policy Plan | Ohio Department of Transportation (click image for link)

From all of us at Greater Ohio, have a happy and above all, a safe, #Halloween #GOPCThread #SpookyStreets