Greater Ohio Policy Center

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GOPC Attends JobsOhio Regional Board Meeting in Lima

Earlier this week, GOPC attended the JobsOhio board meeting along with 100+ other economic development professionals and interested parties.  During the open board meeting, JobsOhio CEO, J.P. Nauseef, outlined JobsOhio’s Strategy, “2.0,” which he described as an “enhancement and addition to 1.0.”

GOPC is very pleased that the 2.0 Strategy’s two major enhancements—Sites and Innovation—appear to provide opportunities for more holistic and comprehensive development strategies.

Nauseef explained that its focus on Sites will include site preparation, infrastructure and site readiness.  GOPC hopes that site preparation will include an expansion of the popular Revitalization Program to sites that are complementary to JobsOhio’s 12 industries, sites such as downtowns and commercial districts.

The Innovation bucket, Nauseef explained, includes innovation districts, innovative partnerships around on investments, programs, and services.  Innovation districts, by their very nature, require amenities, walkability, vibrancy and authenticity.  Community development and placemaking strategies build the physical environment in which collaboration, innovation, and creativity flourish.  GOPC is hopeful that JobsOhio will be making strategic investments in the physical environment as well as the start ups and established companies that anchor an innovation district.

GOPC is also optimistic that JobsOhio’s commitment to “deliver  the right programs to the right places” means that different strategies and metrics of success emerge from JobsOhio for different types of places: the 3Cs as different from the mid-sized cities of Akron, Toledo, and Dayton, as separate from Ohio’s Reinvention Cities, which are different from the state’s suburban and rural areas.  

Nauseef informed the audience that the full strategic plan for “2.0” would be released before the end of the year. GOPC will be closely monitoring and share updates as they become available.